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"Pinakoteka for kids - Naughty Numbers (Polish title: PInakoteka dzieciom - Rapujące cyfry) has already been released!

A new CD of Pinakoteka includes 14 songs sung by children from a group Bon Bon  (based in Artystyczny Dom Animacji - culture club in Warsaw) and Warsaw Bilingual School (some of the songs are recorded in English as well). There are also instrumetal versions of the songs.

The CD is available in music shops and bookstores all over Poland.


It is an offer both for kids and grown-ups as well, focused on singing and playing together.

Come to our concerts and workshops. We can organize a workshop especially for you, too!


Our concerts in May in Warsaw:

- 27 of May, 5 pm. at Okęcka Sala Widowiskowa, 1 siernia 36a

- 28 of May at 12 at the Concert Hall of the Polish Radio, Modzelewskiego 56.


Altogether with the CD of Pinakoteka, a book "Rapujące cyfry"/ Naughty Numbers written by Joanna Jasińska, a pianist of Pinakoteka, was published (the publisher: Pani Twardowska - www.panitwardowska.com.pl). The book  includes music and rythmic games based on these 14 songs and arrangements for home made percussion instruments. There is also a script for a music fairytale "Rapujące cyfry" written by Kamil Jaros, a vocalist and music instructor participating in recording the CD. 

!inakoteka is relatively a new project: the band was founded in January, 2011 in Warsaw, Poland. 


Pinakoteka - who are we?

In Latin this name means "an art gallery" and truly depicts the idea that accompanies the musicians: the unique bond of music, lyrics and image. Pinakoteka plays music composed by Asia Jasińska and  later on arranged by the whole band; lyrics are mostly written by Marzena Kowalska, Monika Oliszewska and Agnieszka Frączek, modern Polish poetesses, however there are also lyrics of poets such as: M. Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, L.Pasternak, L.Engelking and others.

 One can trace in these pieces of music the atmosphere of French chanson, smooth jazz feeling and folk music energy. The concerts of Pinakoteka are audiovisual:  there are  abstract painings (colour field painting style) presented in a background  rearranged by graphic designers - recently Pinakoteka concerts have been accompanied by abstract paintings of Agata Padoł Ciechanowska, a Polish painter (www.agatapadol.netgaleria.eu).

What matters most in our music is emotion, energy, rythm and colour, both in projects for mature audience - like in the CD "Fugitive songs" (Piosenki ulotne) and in recent projects  for kids - "Naughty Numbers".


Just listen to our music and enjoy it! And come to our concerts. Or we may come to you...